SO I've been off work for two months now.
And at first, while scary, I was super excited to be able to actually get work done, finish off my UFOs, fix up stuff around the house, and above all, CLEAN up and out my sewing room.
(And I'm not gonna lie. Having the summer off?? This is the stuff dreams are made of.)
Garden Shed before Painting |
I had a long list of Things To Do.
This is my tiny but mighty back yard. All Primed up. |
Repaint the Garden Shed??
All done, painted nicely & clean looking. And lookit all dem birds! |
Learn how to use my new zoom lens.
Flowerbeds at Chingacousy Park, Brampton. |
Spend quality weekend time with Mr. J & Family
town - Grand Bend, ON.
Mr. J is camera-shy.
Having Weekends off has been an absolute treat.
We hiked up the Niagara Escarpment. Wow. Stunning.
On top of the world! |
Met a new friend! |
We even went to the Zoo!
Baby Humphrey; the Polar Bear. |
I love the otters. |
Optical illusion!!! |
Mama |
Baby |
Nice kitty.....biiiiiig teeth |
And I spent countless hours watching the birds out our back window...including watching the Blue Jays & Robins fledge, AND we even had a very rare Albino Sparrow visit.
Our Albino Sparrow with friends. |
Fledgling Blue Jays; family of Four. Learning how to balance! |
Sparrows got it all down. |
Albino sparrow with fledgemates |
All in all; it's been a great summer.
Checked off a lot of things to do on my list. Getting the house tidied, mouse-proofing our back mudroom. Painting the shed; making lots of yummy food with fresh summer veggies, cleaning, organizing....and mostly, getting back in touch with Myself again. I kinda felt like I'd sold out to the Man for a bit too long. It's been great to just sit quietly with no real demands.
And yes, I sewed and sewed and sewed away. It's been great - I haven't had the drive or desire to sew in months so catching up has been wonderful. I've cleaned up my sewing space and organized by colours. Now I'm going thru my stash and trying to stashbust by working on scrap & string quilts....not too bad! Still lots to do, though. Isn't there always?!
How about you? What're you working on this week? What'd you do on your summer vacation?
This Week:
Working on: String Quilts/Stashbusting
Quilting & sending a Surprise BDay gift for a good pal
Cooking: Stuffed Pasta shells with spinach, cheese & sausage; some to eat some to freeze
Listening to: Jukebox Oldies -50's & 60's music
Watching; Austenland (again!), Emma, The White Queen
Reading: Finished "The Red Queen" started "Austenland"
Misc: Sending out Resumes to Agents!
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